Effective Field Theories
This lecture provides an introduction to the framework of low energy
effective field theories. After developing the basic concepts, the
method is used to analyze the electromagnetic, weak and strong
interactions at low energies. The course is intended for master
students, who have taken a first course in quantum field theory.
There is an ILIAS page for discussions and further information.
This lecture was first given in the spring semester 2010, and was
offered again in 2015 with a somewhat different selection of
topics. The lecture notes are linked below.
Update (May 2021): The handwritten
lectures notes linked below were typeset in LaTeX by Jonas Haldemann in 2015. They have been revised and corrected by
Martin Hoferichter for a course in 2021. Here is the resulting PDF script (70 pages, 1MB).
- Introduction (and some introductionary slides)
- The Wilsonian effective action
- Integrating out high-energy modes
- Classification of operators
- Renormalization group
- Continuum effective theory
- Tree-level matching calculations
- Field redefinitions
- Matching at higher orders
- Power counting
- Renormalization group improved
perturbation theory
- The Standard Model at low energies
- Euler Heisenberg Theory
- Decoupling of heavy flavors
- Decoupling in QED
(Figures: anomalous magnetic moment)
- Heavy flavors in QCD (Figures:
running coupling)
- Effective weak Hamiltonian (Fermi
- The Standard Model as an EFT (slides with operators)
- Chiral Perturbation Theory
- Chiral symmetry
- Transformation properties of
Goldstone bosons
- Effective Lagrangian
- Applications (figures)
- Non-relativistic theories
- Heavy-Quark Effective Theory (HQET)
- Connection to quantum mechanics
- Applications of HQET (figures)
- Non-relativistic QCD and QED
- Energetic particles and jet physics
- Asymptotic expansions and the
method of regions
- Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
- Loop integrals in dimensional regularization
- Feynman rules for derivative couplings
- QCD Lagrangian and Feynman rules
- Goldstone's theorem
- Exercise 1
- Exercise 2
- Exercise 3
- Exercise 4
- Exercise 5
- Exercise 6
Solutions to some of the exercises by Monika Hager: Exercise 4, Exercise 5, Exercise 6.
Thomas Becher
ITP, University of Bern