p.135 arXiv Version only, Appendix B.5. Due to a LaTeX problem, Figure
B.1 is referenced as B.5 (thanks to Sebastian Jaskiewicz)
p.9. In the paragraph after (2.15) ε>0 and ε<0 are exchanged. The text should read "... we choose ε>0 in the low-energy region and ε<0 in the high-energy region" and "we only choose ε>0 to be ..." (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.23, (3.9) and p.24 (3.10). The factors of λ do not include the fields, whose scaling depends on the dimension (thanks to Samuel Favrod)
p.27, (3.22). The coefficient C2(1) should be multiplied by a factor g2 for the equality to hold (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.29, (3.34). The coefficient C2(1) should be multiplied by a factor g2 (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.35, second paragraph in 1.): the quark field must be denoted by ψ(x) rather than qμ(x) (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.35, (4.3) the right hand side should be colored in blue (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.39, after (4.23). The expression n · D = 0 must be corrected to n · D = n · ∂ (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.41, (4.29) ξ should be colored blue (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.42, line after (4.34): Δ⊥ must read Δ⊥μ (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.46, (4.49). To be careful, one should write W(x) = [ x, x − ∞ n ] , instead of W(x) = [ x, − ∞ n ]. As long as the fields vanish at infinity (as they do in dim. reg.) the difference is irrelevant (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.46, (4.50) Replace P with P̅ in the third line to make it explicit that W† is anti path ordered (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.46, footnote 6. x = x' + s n should read x = x' − s n (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.47, (4.57). The ξ on the l.h.s. should be colored blue and ξ should read ξ(0) on the r.h.s in the first line (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.58, Figure 5.1. C2bare(Q2) must read CVbare(Q2) (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.76, after (6.46). The approximate equality M ≃ s must read M2 ≃ s (thanks to Yaroslav Balytskyi)
p.80, (6.56). The integration boundaries (positive k+ and k− ) are only correct for on-shell momenta. One should insert δ(k2) into the integrand on both sides of the equation (thanks to Kai Urban)
p.97, before (7.7) missing word: differential cross section (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.98, (7.7). fi/N1 on the rhs must read fi/N (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.100, last line of (7.14): δ(1-z2) must read δ(1-z1) (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.113, (8.3) In the second line the slashed n must read ni (thanks to Dingyu Shao)
p.133, (8.75) The summations over unordered pairs in lines two and three should have have commas — (I,J ) and (I,j ) — for notational consistency, see (8.28) (thanks to Dingyu Shao)
p.134, (8.76). One should specify that sIj = 2 σIj p I · pj
p.164, (A.5): p⊥2 must read p⊥μ (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.168, (B.6): χ3(x,y,k)= ... should read χ(x,y,k)= ... (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.168, (B.9) must read V(x,y) = p2y2 + l2(1-x)2 +2ply(1-x) = ... (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.173 (B.39) (-ν)α should change to (-ν2)α (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.181 paragraph 2: "however, it the following discussion" should read "however, in the following discussion" (thanks to Arash Yunesi)
p.182 Delete extra word: "Next we will to prove" (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.183, (D.8). The integration measure ds is missing (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.184, (D.14). The upper limit of right-most integral should read sn-1 instead of sn-1 (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.190, (E.7) first line: add superscript (0) on the right-most φ (thanks to Marcel Balsiger)
p.193, first sentence: "relating it to the evaluating" must read "relating it to the evaluation of" (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.194, after (G.6) "color or the quark" must read "color of the quark" (thanks to Monika Hager)
p.196, "the α→0 is finite," must read "the α→0 limit is finite," (thanks to Monika Hager)